Saturday, May 4, 2013

30 Photos, 30 letters...Inspiration: 30 years of marriage!

My parents' big 30th wedding anniversary is coming up in a few weeks, and since I live about 3 hours away and grad school is kicking my butt this year, I couldn't throw them a party like I wanted to. so I decided to surprise them by having 30 of their friends send them 30 cards with 30 unique photos! It's a great way to include the most important people in their lives in a meaningful and semi-inexpensive way (stamps are NOT cheap these days!)

1. I found 30 pictures of my parents over the years, and I edited each picture on my iPad with an app called Photo Toaster Jr.
2. I made 30 cards, and glued the photo that I printed on card stock onto the card using a spray glue from 3M.
3. I stamped "Happy Anniversary" onto each one and let it dry.
4. Meanwhile, I found 30 of their closest friends and family members and wrote a letter to them asking them to write a note in the enclosed card wishing my parents a happy anniversary and to include why they appreciate them, and a funny memory.
5. I filled each envelope to the 30 friends and family members with the letter, the handmade card, and a stamped and addressed envelope to my parents.
6. Now, all we have to do is wait for them to start getting them! :)

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